Donations, Sponsorships + Scholarships

QFSG is all about doing something good.
Quality First Support Group currently donates to Tabernacle Baptist Church and St. Judes.  We are currently looking to donate to our local fire station in honor of Vincent Velasquez who wanted to become a firefighter prior to losing his life to a senseless act of violence.  Vincent had a heart of gold and the passion to help others.  The Vincent Velasquez Scholarship will help a minority student per year with all the costs associated with becoming a firefighter and is passionate in making a difference in his or her community.
Quality First Support Group acknowledges that access is not given to everyone equally.  It is very important that our agency gives back to our community but especially paying it forward to low-income minority communities.  Each year our agency will pick one candidate to sponsor and/or provide a scholarship to help them get one step closer to their dream job.  Must be a minority to qualify.  
2020-2021 Sponsorship was awarded to Cindy Nguyen in the amount of $8000.00 to help her with all the necessary tools and access to attend law school.  QFSG are routing for you, Cindy!

P: 609-471-8981 |  F: 609-543-2413 | E:

Hours: M-F – 9am – 5pm

For emergency situation please call the agency phone number and leave a message. An oncall staff will call back in 24 hrs.

©2021 Quality First Support Group